The Nahuals’ Conjunction

The Nahuals’ Conjunction

The Nahuals’ Conjunction Part 1: The concentric nahuals
My companions and I met Domingo because since the first reading of his book “El nahual de cinco puntas” we knew immediately from our depths what to do. When the book was published we four were functioning as a power group from a few years already and knowing the unsettling fact that the woman I live with and I have a non ordinary configuration, a luminous sphere rather larger than normal. The reason of knowing this was that Sergio one day started perceiving energy fields, and since then we started training with him daily and for over a decade until he reached the goal of perceiving the human luminous density with the inside details easily, at any time and immediately. This fact surprised Domingo, not ever before was a case of someone “seeing” without the direct intervention of a linage, but the real treat was for us when Domingo announced that we all four had three and four compartments…that was really too much for our brains.
Life can be so funny sometimes, I recall going to the head of “the paid as so go” warriorship organization looking for peace of mind and answers to our doubts about our configurations seen by our companion and instead of finding confidence in his seeing and our true natures, we met with unrest, doubt and uneasiness with the absolute answer: No, they are not, nor ever be more nahuals…well. Hard time in this particular for us as group, only resting in the confidence and absolute trust we professed to each of us and some sparse friend in the known who supported us to the point to be one of us travelling all over the world, sharing home work and food. In Domingo’s words: If you have reached up to here is exclusively because you four are together.
The day we met Domingo, already dark at night we were at our strength’s limit. Our energy was null after an exhausting day due to the long trip, lack of sleep, immense humid heat and the cold and distant affectation displayed by a Domingo we never expected to behave in that fashion, we were practically finished and demoralized. We were dealt with respect but from utter detachment and distance, devoid of cordiality, kindness or emotions. Finally he addressed us and asked: What for are you here? Silent as we can be, not strenght to even look at each other. I looked inside my core for a satisfying answer for him as well as for myself and honestly told him that we felt his book as a calling, I spoke of a pressuring and unavoidable force mixed with an strange sense of responsibility, pushed all of us literally to be there and we needed to placate the pressure. I said that somewhere in the Internet we had read posts from him saying that in the future, instead of “power departures” would be “arrivals” so that’s what we were, an arrival, we were reporting for whatever duty to be done, that we were working as a functioning group for long years and we were a linage, maybe a shitty one, but a linage after all… Once he listen this he burst on laughing so did we. He explained we weren’t a linage, rather a group; that a linage is a consequence for groups over many generations, maybe after four or five ones, this could be considered a linage.
He urged us to go with him to the village, then the fireworks started and a castle when up in flames to peoples delight, being the village celebrating the Mexican Independence day…but an old unresolved question wouldn’t let me enjoy the show. Among the explosion noises I reached and gather enough confidence and dare to speak with Domingo. I confessed that in order to function in this matters I lacked confidence; upon reaching a certain level of sorts this was always a set back, coming to a halt or turning myself into a character that even myself couldn’t believe. He turned saying: “all the confidence…” so I half mumbling said: but to be able to achieve… and he stopped me again with: “All the confidence”. I decided, or better needed to share something with that strange and scary being; after having lost all the original resources we had from previous knowledge, we were left with nothing to hold on as the most ordinary of the common man. Pointing out the perfect situation to trust oneself more than ever. I was done with losing more time nor energy with the uncertainties carried for so long, so I confessed that I didn’t know if I had the right set of tools to embark this journey, a truth from my depths, so that’s why he answered. He said to stop wasting time with that, there was enough to function and to be able to reach anyplace; taking more or less to achieve it…when suddenly four sort of green emerald fire squares went flying, turning and whistling with force from the castle in flames, with a peculiar hissing sound towards the sky and disappearing in the night…he looked at me and said: “They are called (don’t remember that pyrotechnical element)” and from that moment his closed behavoir towards us changed, having the certainty that something had started. Since then we are friends with Domingo.
One other time, years passed since that first encounter, Fran and I went to see him. We found him at the brim of the afternoon, passing it all three with some common friends we met as the night draw on us. After dinner and Domingo finishing his work and chores around the house, right up to going to sleep a conversation started as I voiced a burning doubt. The enigmatic question of our three and four compartments although we were not of nahualtec origin.
– How could this be? If our energetic origin is not nahualtec legacy then, which is and what are we?
With that question I got an answer and a specific assignment. To make a written text opening the knowledge of the origins of humanity along with the being hosting us, The Earth, the evolutionary course and the space-time place we embodied. The unknown since immemorial time of who we are, where we came from, where we go and if we are the only inhabitants of the galaxy…felt to the floor breaking to pieces and then got swelled with pure history and got articulated and stand up again generating a hybrid flowing mixture from two origins: One flow light since eons at the Tepalcate-petl and Pom-arum caves; the other is carved at some ancient clay Sumerian tablets, discovered no less than a century and a half in ancient civilization ruins, specially in the Middle East.
After my asking, he stopped and after a while got a pen and started to draw something at his palm, it was the representation of the luminous spheres known as the rolling spheres with its three shapes from small to bigger, accordingly to its form and energetic form, clarifying that these are the 99,9% of the world population; then he proceed to the 3 and 4 prong shaped ones and its pertaining receptacles, proceeding then to draw two more spheres, each containing another two inside, and each one of these containing another two as well, and so one with three and the other with four concentric spheres which he referred as the representation of the concentric nahuals of three and four prongs or more precisely ‘wedges or layers’ being these formed with layers as an onion in which ones contain the others. He keep on explaining that currently there’s only elliptical nahuals, meaning with prongs, at the American continent, although this is not a must to be a nahual and being born in the Americas to have three or more prongs. Beings with concentric configurations can be found inside and outside the Americas.
We were extremely baffled, never heard something like that at all. The existence of this type of configurations was new, and so, this being known by the different linage’s was never before revealed, discovering then that some, as Carlos Castaneda, went to great lengths to cover it up. In that moment was the first reference to what he called ‘Don Juan great mistake’, which I’ll further elaborate.
We were flabbergasted by these revelations, and was just the beginning. He kept on explaining about the concentric nahuals, they have no assemblage points as the prong ones because its perception originates in the mobility of the internal spheres, moving like balls one inside the other; the basketball one contains a handball and that a tennis ball and that a table tennis one, and so accordingly to the number of spheres the person have. I assumed the external one belonged to the physical body but he corrected me; the inner one corresponded with the physical body, then the dreaming body, projectile body and then contractile body, always in this rigorous order.
– Are these concentric nahuals more limited that the pronged ones?
That’s correct, he answered; it’s the Eagle’s dream who creates it that way so it can build designs and fields of realities. Each form has its function. Think about the planets and the stars each with its dreaming creates attentions, and now imagine an animal or an insect, they also have a form and a specific function. The fun starts if they get to be conscious of what they are, of something possessing them and offering the absolute about the eternal enigma: Existence, life; be alive and know to be alive;sense, perceive, walk a destiny; have the power to generate more life…all comes down to the same, animal, insects or else.
– Which are the characteristic of these beings unlike the elliptic nahuals?
The basic difference that separate the elliptic is the ability to separate their compartments, the receptacles or bodies can be situated simultaneously each one in a different place, a devoided possibility for the concentric nahuals. But instead they have tremendous power with the projectile body, being able to place their projection in any place chosen; a three-dimensional hologram with the chosen form by them. Coming to be an exact replica for anyone who looks, except for eating nor the physiological need for evacuation
– Can they be touch and the touched, or are ghost-like figures?
Of course they are like anyone else that can be seen seated in a bench or speaking to someone, they can touch, do and undo all except for the physiological ingestion/evacuation. The projectile body of a concentric nahual appears as mist or fog but after reaching and accumulating some degree of experience and know-how this three-dimensional projection get to look as any person can look. Projections as the ones you can find here roaming from the inorganic world. The formation of the energy body of concentric nahuals is similar to the inorganic one based in the fact that both are based in container bodies; one body contains the other and so. These concentric nahuals are a bit like them, but of course, absolutely organic, firstly because they have organs and also their cocoons are spherical in shape instead of cylindrical, even so, the design of content/continent bodies and the strength of projection generation are alike.
– Can they disappear with the totality from here and appear there?
No, only elliptic nahuals can do that. Concentric can send some sort of TV signal there, a signal planted and created as reality in the chosen place to be; but only for those not seeing energy, after all, is a mere projection.
We should have shown concern in our faces, because he remarked there was nothing to worry about having these or the other, it might take more or less time and effort than having a better equipment and he compared it with Formula 1 or Nascar cars, each vehicle having different form and functions from the other, but what really counts is the pilot; that`s the real advantage, getting to decide what kind of pilot we are and what long and good race we are willing to do; there’s nothing else, the vehicle is no longer an issue, only counts the will and the intent. Up to this point, all nahuals are matched by the same standards. Some have pronged receptacles, some layered compartments, that’s all.
– And the origin then?
The origins for each of them are clearly different. One originate from here, from this planet; the other came from far away places. From a planet not originally from the solar system either. Do you know something about the Sumerian clay tablets? We confessed our ignorance about that and he proceed to explain something that took all our attention.

[Editor's note: the Spanish Version, result more complete.]

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